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Thank you for buying this original plant. This plant is developed by the Dutch breeder Anthura and produced by one of our authorized top growers in China.

Anthura is the worldwide specialist in Anthurium and Orchids. With our extensive knowledge of genetics and young plants, we provide growers with everything they need for a sustainable and profitable chain. Anthura contributes to the biodiversity in our environment and, while respecting natural resources, makes the world a better place for present and future generations.

Pioneering for success together with our customers (and our customers’ customers) is a huge motivator. For all our customers worldwide, Anthura aims to be the partner that makes them the most successful!



Anthurium feels fine at a temperature between 20°C and 22°C. The minimum temperature for the plant is 16°C.


In the wild Anthurium grows in shadowy spots. The Anthurium needs to be placed in a light spot, but not in direct sunlight. If the plant’s position is too dark, it will produce fewer flowers. Apart from that, Anthurium is sensitive to draughts and should not be placed close to a radiator.


It is best to water your Anthurium moderately and regularly with some tepid water once or twice a week. The amount of water needed depends on the room temperature. You can see clearly from the plant whether it needs water. The soil should not be completely dry, but must remain moist (brown colour). If the plant is too wet, the soil will be black. The ideal temperature for the water is room temperature. Anthurium is a tropical plant and likes to be sprayed from time to time.

Old leaves and flowers

Anthurium produces fresh flowers and leaves. The old leaves and flowers discolour after a while. Simply remove yellowed leaves and wilted flowers.

If the plant’s leaves are shiny and it is producing new flowers, you can conclude that the plant is in suitable conditions. The care determines the lifespan and decorative value of the plant. You will enjoy an Anthurium plant for a long time; the fact is that the flowers have a very long lifespan.





Phalaenopsis feels fine at a temperature between 20°C and 22°C. The Minimum temperature for the plant is 16°C.


In the wild Phalaenopsis grows in shadowy spots. You should therefore place the plant in a position where it gets enough light, but avoid bright sunlight. It is particularly advisable not to place the plant in direct sunlight between April and September. Phalaenopsis is also sensitive to draughts and the plant should not be placed close to a radiator.


In the wild, in a tropical climate, Phalaenopsis has to deal with a lot of water in a short period alternated with a dry period. The advice is therefore to immerse the pot in water for about one minute every 7 to 10 days. After immersion, allow the plant to drain thoroughly, so that the excessive water can run out. It is best to use rain water: tap water often contains too much calcium and minerals. If you do not have access to rain water, the best thing is to boil the tap water first. The ideal temperature for the water is room temperature. In the winter months, when the heating is on, it is a good idea to spray the plant with water regularly, in order to ensure that the humidity does not drop too low. Air that is too dry is not good for the plant.


You should only use Orchid food to feed the Phalaenopsis – this can be bought at garden centres. From November to February you should feed the plant once a month and in the remaining month you should do this twice a month. When feeding follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

Possible flowering again

You will enjoy a Phalaenopsis plant for a long time, since it has a very long lifespan. Sometimes it is possible to get the plant to flower for a second time. You should prune a branch that has finished flowering above the second bud (counted from below). You can prune the branch above the second bud twice, after that it is advisable to prune the branch as low as possible. After pruning you should place the plant in a somewhat colder position. The ‘cooling’ stimulates the formation of the new branch. After approximately 2 months you can replace the plant and enjoy the beautiful flowers once again for a long time.


A healthy living environment


Anthurium plants are flowering houseplants with special characteristics. They are easy to care for, bloom for a long time and, above all, have an air-purifying effect. 

Read more about the air-purifying effect.



Every day, we challenge ourselves to develop new varieties, new colours and new shapes, thus creating an enormous diversity of Anthura varieties, that are produced throughout the world.

The breeding of Phalaenopsis and Anthurium is a lengthy process, in which the highest attainable quality is the absolute standard. Before our products reach consumers, they have already been on a ‘journey’ of seven to eight years.


Cross-breeding takes place in our large breeding greenhouse. Only the best seedlings are selected and cloned.

The newly developed varieties are thoroughly tested and inspected. Each plant of a particular variety has to comply with the desired characteristics; therefore each plant is tested over and over again. In a large test centre the plants are exposed to various climate conditions.

Looking to the future

The most promising Anthurium and Orchid varieties are presented to growers in the show greenhouse. Every week new varieties, which go directly from the breeding department to the display greenhouse, can be evaluated by growers and traders.

This way, growers have the unique opportunity to select their future varieties at a very early stage.


After years of thorough testing and selecting, a potential variety is propagated in our own laboratories. Our in-vitro laboratory is equipped with modern installations. The propagation of Anthurium and Orchid plants is carried out here using tissue culture.

The hygiene standards are extremely high and work is carried out under sterile conditions. The plants therefore meet the highest quality standards, resulting in a healthy start of the cultivation of young plants.

Healthy growth

In a 12-hectare large, state-of-the-art greenhouse the Anthurium plants continue to grow. Our cultivation method is innovative and energy-conscious. This greenhouse complex is equipped with a fully automated logistic system, assimilation lighting and air humidification to guarantee the most favourable climate conditions.

The young Orchid plants are grown on the production site of Anthura Arndt in Germany, where the climate conditions are also perfectly attuned to each growth phase of the plant.



We continuously strive to make innovative improvements in our production processes. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact through the development of varieties that can be produced with less energy and fewer water and plant protection products due to built-in resistances and improved product properties.

However, it goes further than this. Due to an intrinsic drive we are dedicated, on both national as international level, to several projects in the field of biodiversity and other sustainable development goals.

Sustainability is high on our agenda. This is also recognised outside the company by the fact that we have won the Plantum Sustainability Award (2018) and the Horticultural Business Award (2019). Further,  we were the Gold Rose winner at the International Grower of the Year Awards as well as the winner in the category ‘sustainability’ (2020).